Types of chiptuning
Traditional chiptuningThe chip in the ECU is replaced by another chip with tuning software.
OBD (On Board Diagnosis) Tuning
The original manufacturer's software is changed or replaced, using a laptop or pc. The chip is not replaced. It's possible that after tuning the software, the dealership won't be able to update or read out the car's software (to find an error for example).
Powerbox tuning
An external “box” is attached to the car's engine. Several engine factors will be manipulated by resistors to enrich the fuel/air mixture. Simply put, it’s a form of fooling the car, so that it injects more fuel. This is not proper chiptuning. There is no fuel saving, and there is a chance of permanent damage to the engine.
Plug & Drive tuning
An external computer, with a chip that replaces or modifies the car's software, is attached to the car's engine. It results in better tuned parameters in the engine management and therefore a better balance in the calculation of fuel, air etc.